Importance of gastronomy topics in English for tourism books


  • Ivana Šalinović University of Applied Sciences Aspira, Split, Croatia
  • Iva Sundji University of Applied Sciences Aspira, Split, Croatia



tourism, gastronomy, textbooks, education


A rapidly growing field within the tourism industry, gastronomy has been emerging as one of the most popular forms of special interest tourism. Reflecting its country’s legacy and values, learning about gastronomy has become a part of each tourist worker’s education and thus has found its way into English textbooks for tourism. By becoming more acquainted with the vocabulary and phrases related to food, ingredients and so on, the students should be linguistically equipped to effectively communicate in any gastronomy-related roles. Unfortunately, the newest English for Tourism textbooks are only giving a limited number of lessons to Gastronomy. So, a more thorough examination of all available the English for Tourism textbooks on the market revealed that they fall woefully short of adequately addressing gastronomy-related topics. As a result, the future employment prospects of a great number of tourism workers are put in jeopardy.


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How to Cite

Šalinović, I., & Sundji, I. (2023). Importance of gastronomy topics in English for tourism books. International Scientific Conference on Economy, Management and Information Technologies, 1(1), 335–340.