Impact of disruptions in the pharmaceutical industry – how to build more resilient sales teams


  • Katarina Toković Magriž, Zagreb



The pharmaceutical industry has a central role in the global healthcare system, continually striving to meet the demands of patients, regulatory requirements, and market dynamics. With this role, the pharmaceutical industry is sensitive to disruptions, which can emerge from numerous sources: supply chain vulnerabilities, changes in regulatory demands, technological advancements, and global health crises. This article examines the consequences of disruptions within this sector and their extensive impact on sales. It surveys the fluctuation of sales volumes and revenues of the industry during the last disruption period from 2020 to 2023, especially in Croatia and the European Union. The decision-making processes in pharmaceutical sales management in the observed period had different challenges: the regulatory responses to a crisis, ethical dilemmas, and the need to preserve workplaces. Furthermore, this research explores principal strategies and ideas for building resilience for sales teams in the future.


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How to Cite

Toković, K. (2023). Impact of disruptions in the pharmaceutical industry – how to build more resilient sales teams. International Scientific Conference on Economy, Management and Information Technologies, 1(1), 213–218.