New mechanisms and managing of money supply in monetary-credit system within financial system


  • Tamara Vesić Faculty of Business Economy and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Nenad Ravic Faculty of Business Economy and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Vladan Cogoljevic Faculty of Business Economy and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Raica Milicevic Faculty of Business Economy and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia



banks, financial system, deposits, loans, monetary policy


In this paper, we analyzed the new mechanisms on which the operation of the financial system rests, compared to the monetary system, with an emphasis on the roles of banks in them. The goal of the paper is to point out the importance of the new subsystems that exist within the financial system, as well as the importance of the participants who are most deserving of the efficient functioning of this large entity. The results indicate that monetary and credit policy, primarily interest rate policy, has the greatest impact on the financial market. Furthermore, the multiplication of money in circulation is influenced by several elements that are also a limiting factor in the credit activity of banks: e.g. required reserve rate, liquidity reserve rates and changes in non-monetary deposits, etc.


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How to Cite

Vesić, T., Ravic, N., Cogoljevic, V., & Milicevic, R. (2023). New mechanisms and managing of money supply in monetary-credit system within financial system. International Scientific Conference on Economy, Management and Information Technologies, 1(1), 183–187.