Analytical review of sustainable leadership concept


  • Milos Dasic Toplica Academy of Applied Studies, Department of Business Studies Blace,



sustainability, sustainable leadership, social responsibility


Sustainable leadership is becoming increasingly important in the contemporary business context, as there is a growing emphasis on environmental protection, social responsibility, and the long-term success of organizations. This concept originates from the idea that organizations do not exist in isolation but are closely interconnected with the natural environment and the society in which they operate. Sustainable leadership recognizes the significant role of organizations in preserving the environment and the overall social well-being and promotes their actions in accordance with the principles of environmental conservation and the well-being of all stakeholders. This research analyzes the concepts of sustainable leadership at the individual, organizational, and integrated levels. The primary goal of the paper was to gain a deeper understanding of the key elements and characteristics that make sustainable leadership successful and effective. Through a review of relevant literature, various aspects of sustainable leadership at each of these levels were considered to create a comprehensive picture of this important topic.

Keywords: sustainability, sustainable leadership, social responsibility


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How to Cite

Dasic, M. (2023). Analytical review of sustainable leadership concept. International Scientific Conference on Economy, Management and Information Technologies, 1(1), 189–195.