Utilization of ESI funds in the Republic of Croatia for the development of high-tech projects


  • Zlatko Rešetar University of Applied Sciences with public rights Baltazar Zaprešić, Zaprešić, Croatia
  • Nikolina Pavičić Rešetar University of Applied Sciences with public rights Baltazar Zaprešić, Zaprešić, Croatia
  • Željka Grba Ministry of Finance, Tax administration, Samobor, Croatia




The subject of research work of this manuscript is to show Croatia's ability to withdraw funds from ESI funds, and the aim of the research is to prove profitability and possibility of using funds from ESI funds to finance projects. In order for the economy of a particular country to be successful, projects are needed, especially high-tech projects. Croatia had a total of 10.676 billion euros, in the period from 2014 to 2021, available from the ESI funds, and it managed to withdraw 63.60% or 6.79 billion euros. Croatia uses funds from EU for the development of high-tech projects and other European structural and investment funds to improve the quality of life of its citizens through various projects. The mentioned projects are in the field of environmental protection, raising awareness of equality and human rights, democratization of society and large infrastructure projects. Available literature will be used to create the paper: books, magazines, publications. When creating the paper, the authors will use generally accepted qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis, classification, description and comparison.


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How to Cite

Rešetar, Z., Pavičić Rešetar, N., & Grba, Željka. (2023). Utilization of ESI funds in the Republic of Croatia for the development of high-tech projects . International Scientific Conference on Economy, Management and Information Technologies, 1(1), 269–277. https://doi.org/10.46793/ICEMIT23.269R