Human resource management in healthcare: challenges and perspectives


  • Marina Kostić Toplica Academy of Applied Studies, Department of Medical Studies Prokuplje, Serbia



Human resource management, healthcare, human resources, industry, patient


Human Resorce Management (HRM) in healthcare plays a pivotal role in ensuring quality healthcare delivery, patient satisfaction, and the efficient functioning of healthcare organizations. Managing human resources in healthcare presents specific challenges and requirements due to the nature of this industry. Effective Human Resource Management in healthcare demands expertise and careful planning to ensure that healthcare organizations can provide high-quality and safe healthcare to their patients. This comprehensive review scientific paper explores key aspects of Human Resorce Management in the healthcare sector. The healthcare industry represents a unique context for Human Resorce Management , given the complexity and high level of responsibility associated with the roles of healthcare professionals. The paper addresses the challenges, strategies, and perspective related to Human Resorce Management  in healthcare, with the aim of providing a deeper understanding of this subject. Understanding the complexities of this topic is crucial for ensuring the provision of high-quality and safe healthcare services to patients.


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How to Cite

Kostić, M. (2023). Human resource management in healthcare: challenges and perspectives. International Scientific Conference on Economy, Management and Information Technologies, 1(1), 253–255.