The impact of TikTok on travel decision


  • Sandra Dramićanin University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja
  • Goran Perić Toplica Academy of Applied Studies, Department of Business School Blace, Serbia
  • Marko Gašić Toplica Academy of Applied Studies, Department of Business School Blace, Serbia



social networks, TikTok, tourist decision, travel destination


Social media is becoming an essential source of travel information for potential travelers. By using the functions of social networks, identifying the target audience, and creating exciting content, tourism offer holders can promote the offer and activities to a broader audience and cultivate meaningful relationships with potential and loyal users. Offer holders in modern business must accept the opportunity that TikTok, as currently the most visited social network, offers and add this platform to their marketing strategies on social networks. TikTok's influence on the travel industry is growing, with tourists increasingly turning to the platform to find travel inspiration, discover their next vacation destination, or plan their next trip. The paper explores TikTok’s impact on tourists' travel decisions. People from the millennials (1980-1994) and the Z generation (1995-2009) in the Republic of Serbia represent 113 respondents. The analysis results show significant differences in the factors influencing the decision to travel according to the age structure of respondents who use TikTok. This paper enriches existing domestic and foreign research on the topic of tourists' travel decision-making based on the use of social networks. The results of this research can help tourism offer owners use TikTok and short videos more effectively to promote their offer.


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How to Cite

Dramićanin, S., Perić, G., & Gašić, M. (2023). The impact of TikTok on travel decision. International Scientific Conference on Economy, Management and Information Technologies, 1(1), 129–138.